President’s welcome
The GGMA was formed in 1893 and it has a proud history since then. I have considered whether we have been faithful over the years to the objectives set out by the founders of the Association, as set out in 1898.
They wished to sing and develop Gaelic songs, and to gather and arrange unpublished songs. They wished also to encourage members of the choir to improve their musical skills and their singing voice. They made no mention of improving the status of the Gaelic language within their objectives. Isn’t that interesting? Maybe they thought that would happen anyway, if the choir took part in appropriate activities.
The choir is about much more than singing Gaelic songs and developing our musical skills. The choir is about getting together with others and having fun, it’s about having a relaxing hobby alongside our busy working lives, and about working as a team. It also offers a great opportunity to improve Gaelic skills for those who are learning. We live in a very different world today, but I’m confident that we have not lost sight of the aims set out back in 1898. We have also added new ones!
You would be most welcome to join us on a Monday night in Partick South Church. No skill in reading music or in Gaelic is required!